FLYING LESSONS for August 29, 2024

FLYING LESSONS uses recent mishap reports to consider what might have contributed to accidents, so you can make better decisions if you face similar circumstances.  In most cases design characteristics of a specific airplane have little direct bearing on the possible causes of aircraft accidents—but knowing how your airplane’s systems respond can make the difference in your success as the scenario unfolds. So apply these FLYING LESSONS to the specific airplane you fly.  Verify all technical information before applying it to your aircraft or operation, with manufacturers’ data and recommendations taking precedence.  You are pilot in command and are ultimately responsible for the decisions you make.     


This week’s LESSONS:

What’s the riskiest thing you do in an airplane? I received a phone call from a pilot who suggested yet another greatidea for a book (added to the growing list that’ll have to wait until I retire). The pilot related how he flies with a former military aviator as instructor and mentor and, in the course of their training, this simple yet profound question came up. It’s the type of down-to-the-basics risk management question we should all ask ourself from time to time.

In my case the question has two answers. My riskiest flight activities are:

  1. Providing flight instruction, including engine-out practice, in a specific piston multiengine airplane I’ve never flown before, flown by pilot-receiving-instruction (PRI) with whom I’ve never flown and most likely had never met until the preflight briefing for that flight.
  2. Flying in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) in other people’s airplanes.  The almost airframe-specific uniqueness of modern avionics packages mandate extreme caution, especially since the way avionics and autopilots interface with each other often differs from one to another in otherwise identical airplanes.

In the case of instruction I’ve encountered long-time owners of that airplane and otherwise highly experienced pilots who surprised me when they’re behind the yoke, especially in unusual-to-them conditions and situations.

In both cases I don’t really know the state of airplane and systems maintenance, or the way its avionics and autopilot work and work together, until I’m in the airplane, in the air.

How do I mitigate these risks?

Multiengine instruction: To lessen the hazards of this historically very risky activity, I:

  • Provide multiengine instruction only in Beechcraft Barons, which has been virtually the only type of multiengine airplane I’ve flown or instructed in for over 34 years.  I have “the numbers” (combinations of known pitch attitudes, power settings and flap/gear configurations that result in predictable performance), type-specific procedures and techniques, and airplane systems “down cold.”  When things go right, and especially if something goes wrong, I don’t have to think about how to fly the airplane. I can focus on the bigger picture.
  • Avoid flying in IMC with a student unless I’ve recently flown with that same pilot in the same airplane in visual meteorological conditions (VMC). This means sometimes rescheduling a training flight on a “perfect instrument training conditions” day if we can’t get some flight together in under VMC first. 
  • Avoid single-engine operations in IMC—even if I know the pilot and the airplane. Simulate engine failures are visual training maneuvers.
  • Stick to fairly long, fairly wide paved runways unless specifically working on maximum-performance (short field) performance and practicing maximum performance takeoffs and landings only after the pilot has demonstrated the required level of proficiency while using a longer runway.
  • Thoroughly brief the pilot before flight, and before each maneuver or procedure during the training flight.
  • Emphasize good checklist and cockpit flow checks use by the PRI.
  • Exercise all safety-of-flight protocols including strict adherence to airplane limitations.
  • Stay proficient in multiengine airplanes myself.

Flying IFR in other people’s airplanes. To manage this risk I:

  • Fly only airplane types I’m very familiar with. This is a short list for me: most variants of Beechcraft Bonanzas and Barons, and some Cessna singles.  As in multiengine instruction, I have “the numbers” (combinations of known pitch attitudes, power settings and flap/gear configurations that result in predictable performance), type-specific procedures and techniques, and airplane systems “down cold.”  When things go right, and especially if something goes wrong, I don’t have to think about how to fly the airplane and can focus on larger issues. 
  • Fly in IMC only with avionics and autopilot combinations with which I’m experienced.
  • Fly in IMC only in an airplane I’ve flown in VMC previously.
  • Adhere to high personal minimums and employ a very conservative weather strategy overall.
  • Do not fly night IMC. Everything is harder to do in a dark cockpit. Failures are no more likely to happen at night than in the daylight, but the potential consequences are much more severe.
  • Strictly adhere to the use of checklists and cockpit flow checks in all phases of flight. 
  • Exercise all safety-of-flight protocols including strict adherence to airplane limitations.
  • Thoroughly brief myself before flight, and before each maneuver or procedure during the flight.

What’s the riskiest thing you do in airplanes? How do you actively mitigate those hazards? These are simple questions, but ones we all need to ask—and answer—ourselves regularly. Let me know your risks and strategies.

Questions? Comments? Supportable opinions? Let us know at [email protected]

Readers write about last week’s FLYING LESSONS on Takeoff Targets:

Jeff Dill comments:

John Scherer adds:

Reader and flight instructor Mark Sletten writes:

  1. Determine the required takeoff distance required and pad it appropriately. 
  2. If the computed takeoff distance doesn’t exceed runway length then set an abort point based on the computed distance. 
  3. Use a runway diagram and/or a satellite image to find appropriate landmarks (taxiways, crossing runways, lights, prominent buildings, etc.) along the runway for an abort point.

Hi, Mark. You figured it out. Catherine’s fault in logic, often repeated by others, is comparing airplane performance to the available runway length. The 50/70 rule, correctly applied, compares airplane performance to the expected performance, that is, the computed takeoff distance under current conditions. If the airplane has not attained at least 70% of liftoff speed at 50% of the computed ground roll distance then reject the takeoff. 

Put another way, you accept a runway based on its length compared to expected performance. Once you’ve made that commitment, you continue a takeoff only when the airplane meets its performance targets. Best of luck as a new CFI!

Mark replied:

As I said, “often repeated by others.” Thanks, Mark.

Well-known Australian flight instructor and flying school co-owner Lyn Gray wraps up the discussion that was begun by an Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) report:

I’m getting pretty good at US-Aussie translation and back again <g>. Once again, I’m honored and humbled to be able to help you and your fantastic staff, Lyn. I look forward to hearing your staff’s critique of my strategy and perhaps learning again from them and you. Thank you.

And thank you to all my Debriefers this week.

More to say? Let us learn from you, at [email protected]

Share safer skies. Forward FLYING LESSONS to a friend

Please help cover the ongoing costs of providing FLYING LESSONS through this secure PayPal donations link. Or send a check made out to Mastery Flight Training, Inc. at 247 Tiffany Street, Rose Hill, Kansas USA 67133. Thank you, generous supporters. 

Thank you to our regular monthly financial contributors:

And thanks to these donors in 2024:

Thomas P. Turner, M.S. Aviation Safety 

Flight Instructor Hall of Fame Inductee

2021 Jack Eggspuehler Service Award winner

2010 National FAA Safety Team Representative of the Year 

2008 FAA Central Region CFI of the Year

FLYING LESSONS is ©2024 Mastery Flight Training, Inc.  For more information see For reprint permission or other questions contact [email protected].  


FLYING LESSONS uses recent mishap reports to consider what might have contributed to accidents, so you can make better decisions if you face similar circumstances. In most cases design characteristics of a specific airplane have little direct bearing on the possible causes of aircraft accidents—but knowing how your airplane’s systems respond can make the difference in your success as the scenario unfolds. Apply these FLYING LESSONS to the specific airplane you fly.

Verify all technical information before applying it to your aircraft or operation, with manufacturers’ data and recommendations taking precedence. You are pilot in command, and are ultimately responsible for the decisions you make.