FLYING LESSONS for May 23, 2024

FLYING LESSONS uses recent mishap reports to consider what might have contributed to accidents, so you can make better decisions if you face similar circumstances.  In most cases design characteristics of a specific airplane have little direct bearing on the possible causes of aircraft accidents—but knowing how your airplane’s systems respond can make the difference in your success as the scenario unfolds. So apply these FLYING LESSONS to the specific airplane you fly.  Verify all technical information before applying it to your aircraft or operation, with manufacturers’ data and recommendations taking precedence.  You are pilot in command and are ultimately responsible for the decisions you make.     


This week’s LESSONS

Decision Points

Flight planning is something we are taught to complete before boarding the aircraft. Weather, airport information, fuel requirements…all things we look up or compute in the comfort of an office or general aviation terminal. For pilots flying under the U.S. regulations, 14 CFR 91.109 notably includes (with my emphasis added): 

It’s much less commonly stressed, that flight planning is only the beginning of the process. At least as important is active flight monitoring for the entire duration of the flight. 

Every flight presents the pilot with a series of decision points. At these points in the flight, you must use the information you uncovered in your preflight planning, and the data that support or refute that information as a result of active monitoring, to make a revised go/deviate/no-go decision. This is when you exercise the “alternatives available,” as described in the regulation.

To illustrate, let’s look at excerpts from this NTSB final report. As you read from this report think in terms of when the pilot might have been presented with inflight decision points

The NTSB Final Report adds:

Although he was flying under visual flight rules, the pilot held an instrument rating. History tells us that about half of all attempted visual flight into instrument meteorological conditions (“VFR into IMC”) crashes involve an instrument-rated pilotIt’s a fallacy to think a VFR into IMC can’t happen to you because you hold an instrument rating.

As I fly I’m always asking myself which way I’ll go if conditions begin getting worse than expected. For example, if I’m approaching a line of clouds, one with conditions that suggest it’s safe to penetrate, I will still actively consider that direction—left, right, back from where I came, up and/or down—will quickly return me to better air. Even when in the clouds I still think about an escape path. 

Flying visually, especially at night, requires active monitoring and an immediate response to worsening conditions. It’s almost impossible to see clouds at night except in bright moonlight conditions. In warm temperatures (it was 21°C, close to 70°Fahrenheit, at the surface at the time of the crash), it’s not unusual in the southeastern United States for haze to make night flight essentially instrument flight. In any event it would have been very hard to “remain VFR.”

If you do have flight visibility at night, any encounter with clouds that requires you to maneuver to remain in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) strongly suggests you implement your escape plan right away, and get the airplane quickly on the ground.  

We don’t yet know what happened in this particular crash. We do know the pilot was en route to visiting family for the Christmas holiday, pressure and a powerful temptation to press on when conditions worsen. 

But say you were flying VFR at night. Finding yourself compelled to do these maneuvers, which would you accept—and permit yourself to continue to your destination—and which is the first that would prompt you to deviate and land at a nearby airport? 

  • climbed from 3,400 ft mean sea level (msl) to 7,100 ft msl
  • two left 360° turns
  • rapid descent to 1,400 ft msl
  • alternating altitudes below 2,500 ft msl
  • then turned south
  • flying s-turns and descending to 1,400 ft
  • numerous course deviations
  • three complete left circuits and two right circuits

What will it take for you to resist pressure and temptation, and decide not to continue to your original destination?

Questions? Comments? Supportable opinions? Let us know at [email protected]


Readers write about recent FLYING LESSONS:

Reader and pilot examiner Byron Hamby continues last week’s Debrief discussion:

The Airman Certification Standards (ACS) defines the minimum performance, knowledge and risk awareness required to earn the applicable certificate or rating. I agree, applicants should come to a Practical Test knowing the standards by which they will be evaluated. Flight instructors have a responsibility to educate students on the standards and ensure they meet or exceed them, and examiners should have objective standards by which to evaluate applicants. 

There is still a lot of room for subjective judgment on the part of the examiner. At times an examiner may have to interpret the ACS, and specify how a maneuver should be flown not so much for personal preference but because of very real safety concerns. 

For example, the Private Pilot ACS includes standards for Short Field takeoffs. The ACS requires the applicant “rotate and lift off at the [manufacturer’s] recommended airspeed and accelerate to the recommended obstacle clearance airspeed or VX, +10/-5 knots.” Immediately following, the ACS states, “establish a pitch attitude that will maintain the recommended obstacle clearance airspeed or VX+10/-5 knots until clearing the obstacle or until the airplane is 50 feet above the surface.”

The Pilot’s Operating Handbook for the ubiquitous Cessna 172S includes a checklist for Short Field Takeoff that calls for climbing at 56 KIAS “until all obstacles are cleared.” It does not provide a short field liftoff speed. The Airspeeds for Normal Operation at the beginning of Section IV adds this detail: the 56 KIAS is the “speed at 50 feet,” suggesting that liftoff and climb to 50 feet might be at speeds lower than 56 KIAS, and that the pilot should not necessarily maintain that speed but instead be accelerating through that speed as the airplane passes through 50 feet AGL.

Interestingly, the POH defines VX, Best Angle of Climb, to be 62 KIAS at sea level and 67 KIAS at 10,000 feet. The ACS-target Short Field Takeoff speed using Cessna’s recommendation, then, is six knots (10%) below VX at sea level and 11 knots (16%) below VX at 10,000 feet.

The +10/-5 knot tolerance using POH guidance gives the pilot an ACS-approved range of 51-66 knotsBut wait: VS1 (stall speed, flaps up) in the C172S is 48 KIAS. VS0, stall speed at full flaps, is 40 knots. Cessna recommends 10° of flaps for a short field takeoff, and the decrease in stall speed is probably not along a straight-line from zero to full flaps. At 10° flaps stall speed is likely somewhere around 46 knotsmeaning the acceptable range of ACS short field takeoff speeds may be within five knots of stall speed in the short field takeoff configuration…or even closer. The stall warning horn is typically set to activate at five to seven knots above stall speed (or more correctly, the equivalent angle of attack margin). Is an examiner really going to pass an applicant who makes a short field takeoff with the stall warning shrieking continuously? 

If you base short field takeoff speed on VX, 62 knots, the ACS-allowable speed range is 57 to 72 knots. If you follow the manufacturer’s guidance, the range is 51 to 66 knots. The ACS tells us that anywhere in a 21-knot range of 51 to 72 knots, from stall speed to just below VY, should be evaluated as a successful Short Field Takeoff maneuver. Would an examiner accept that?

My point is not to argue or refute how any examiner interprets the ACS. However, it is not nearly as simple as “climb at VX until 50 feet up,” given the wording of the ACS and at least this aircraft manufacturer’s recommendations. Somehow, some way, instructors and examiners have to better define what is acceptable performance, and agree what might somehow meet the ACS tolerances may not always be indicative of safe operation or sound risk management.

One last thing: when discussing takeoff and landing airspeed targets and POH performance charts, I point out to my students that in most light aircraft 50 feet Above Ground Level is a little more than one wingspan above the surface. Think about it like that and the FAA-standard 50-foot obstacle is not that imposing. Asking the applicant to tell you when they are at 50 feet AGL is a good learning experience during a checkride…but knowing the answer is not strictly in the ACS. Again, it’s illustrative of the challenge, and the opportunity, of being a pilot examiner.

Thanks very much, Byron. 

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Thank you to our regular monthly financial contributors:

And thanks to these donors in 2024:

Thomas P. Turner, M.S. Aviation Safety 

Flight Instructor Hall of Fame Inductee

2021 Jack Eggspuehler Service Award winner

2010 National FAA Safety Team Representative of the Year 

2008 FAA Central Region CFI of the Year

FLYING LESSONS is ©2024 Mastery Flight Training, Inc.  For more information see For reprint permission or other questions contact [email protected].  


FLYING LESSONS uses recent mishap reports to consider what might have contributed to accidents, so you can make better decisions if you face similar circumstances. In most cases design characteristics of a specific airplane have little direct bearing on the possible causes of aircraft accidents—but knowing how your airplane’s systems respond can make the difference in your success as the scenario unfolds. Apply these FLYING LESSONS to the specific airplane you fly.

Verify all technical information before applying it to your aircraft or operation, with manufacturers’ data and recommendations taking precedence. You are pilot in command, and are ultimately responsible for the decisions you make.